Goalong Botanical Chinese Gin 70cl
Goalong Botanical Chinese Gin 70cl
Goalong Botanical Chinese Gin 70cl
This Chinese gin is distinguished by its unique combination of local ingredients. The gin is distilled from meticulously selected corn and then ground before being mixed with powdered starch and local water. The resulting liquid is then infused with over 20 local Chinese herbs and spices such as green tea, coriander seeds, cinnamon and Sichuan pepper.
Regular price
- 40%
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
- Next Working Day Delivery: orders before 12pm, £6.99*
- Economy: up to 5 working days, £5.99*
(Free Economy Delivery on orders over £100)
Please note that shipping is currently only available within the United Kingdom (Excluding Northern Ireland).