Oro Gin 70cl
Oro Gin 70cl
Oro Gin 70cl
After months of experimentation the principal botanicals selected, for our award winning flagship Oro recipe, are a combination of classic gin botanicals such as juniper of course, coriander, orris root, lemon and orange peels, and the more unusual cassia bark, Malabar cardamom, pink peppercorns, lemongrass.There’s also one other signature botanical that will forever remain secret.
A classical style Scottish Dry Gin, starting with robust notes of juniper smoothly moving to a zingy citrus mid body, finishing nicely dry, with a note of spiced vanilla.
We recommend trying it neat, followed by a dash of Mediterranean tonic and a slice of fresh orange.
It was designed to change with the volume of tonic added, from the spice to the citrus profile!
A classical style Scottish Dry Gin, starting with robust notes of juniper smoothly moving to a zingy citrus mid body, finishing nicely dry, with a note of spiced vanilla.
We recommend trying it neat, followed by a dash of Mediterranean tonic and a slice of fresh orange.
It was designed to change with the volume of tonic added, from the spice to the citrus profile!
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- 43.0%
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