Mayfair London Dry Gin 70cl
Mayfair London Dry Gin 70cl
Mayfair London Dry Gin 70cl
Mayfair Gin is produced at one of the few remaining distilleries in London by a Master Distiller whose family family business is still thriving after 300 years. They use small batch stills to guarantee the highest quality and produce the gin in the traditional London Dry Gin Style.
Only the best ingredients are used in Mayfair Gin such as a hand picked botanicals including juniper berries, coriander seed, angelica root and orris producing an incredibly flavoursome and very classic London Dry style Gin.
Only the best ingredients are used in Mayfair Gin such as a hand picked botanicals including juniper berries, coriander seed, angelica root and orris producing an incredibly flavoursome and very classic London Dry style Gin.
Regular price
- 40.0%
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