Kin Toffee Vodka 70cl
Kin Toffee Vodka 70cl
Kin Toffee Vodka 70cl
Their best-selling signature Kin Toffee + Vodka is deliciously smooth. Blended with rich caramel notes and finished with a subtle kick.
Warming and sweet premium toffee vodka is the perfect gift for birthdays, special occasions or for cocktail lovers. Tasty for after-dinner drinks with guests, or just to enjoy at home with friends and family.
Regular price
- 20.3%
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
- Next Working Day Delivery: orders before 12pm, £6.99*
- Economy: up to 5 working days, £5.99*
(Free Economy Delivery on orders over £100)
Please note that shipping is currently only available within the United Kingdom (Excluding Northern Ireland).