Edinburgh Gin Orange & Basil Gin Miniature 5cl
Edinburgh Gin Orange & Basil Gin Miniature 5cl
Edinburgh Gin Orange & Basil Gin Miniature 5cl
Handcrafted using a blend of traditional gin botanicals mixed with sweet orange peel and fresh basil leaf. The ultimate combo allows for the sweetness from the Valencian orange to perfectly blend with the subtle herbal, basil goodness!
The distillers have used both fresh and dried Valencian orange peel resulting in fresh crisp citrus notes that is delicately balanced with subtle sweetness. The fresh basil is vapour infused giving the gin a refined aroma and deliciously smooth and aromatic taste. It truly is a springtime sensation.
Regular price
- Edinburgh
- 40.0%
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
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