Crystal Head Vodka Miniature 5cl
Crystal Head Vodka Miniature 5cl
Crystal Head Vodka Miniature 5cl
Crafted from locally sourced Canadian corn and distilled four times into a neutral grain spirit and blended with pristine water from Newfoundland, Canada. This mini Vodka is filtered seven times, of which three are through layers of semi-precious crystals known as Herkimer diamonds. The iconic skull-shaped bottle is produced in Europe, where bits of crystal are melted into the glass to ensure absolute clarity.
Aroma: Neutral grain aromas with a delicate touch of citrus.
Taste: Silky smooth with a hint of sweetness and vanilla. Sweet and creamy on the finish.
Aroma: Neutral grain aromas with a delicate touch of citrus.
Taste: Silky smooth with a hint of sweetness and vanilla. Sweet and creamy on the finish.
Regular price
- 40.0%
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
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