Mermaid Pink Gin 70cl
Mermaid Pink Gin 70cl
Mermaid Pink Gin 70cl
Aromatic and refreshing, Mermaid Pink Gin infuses the flavour of fresh Island strawberries with the smooth yet complex taste of our award-winning Mermaid Gin, a blend of lemon zest, grains of paradise and fragrant rock samphire. Perfectly balanced, subtle yet vibrant, less sweet than most pink gins with no added sugar.
Style: Smooth, refreshing and complex with a rosy hue and contemporary style.
Nose: Aromatic strawberry, fresh citrus, gentle juniper.
Taste: Vibrant strawberry with a warm spice and a hint of sea air.
Finish: Long, layered and complex with a well-rounded mouth feel.
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- 38%
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