Grey Goose Vodka Magnum 1.75L
Grey Goose Vodka Magnum 1.75L
Grey Goose Vodka Magnum 1.75L
Grey Goose premium vodka is created using only the finest French ingredients.
Grey Goose Vodka’s two single-origin ingredients are winter wheat from Picardie and spring water from Gensac-la-Pallue.
The soft winter wheat used in Grey Goose Vodka is the same high quality wheat used in famous French breads and pastries.
The water used in Grey Goose is naturally filtered through underground limestone so deep it's untouched by pollutants.
The two ingredients of Grey Goose Vodka are traceable from field to bottle.
The Grey Goose Cellar Master François Thibault oversees the production process to create a vodka unlike any other.
- 40.0%
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
- Next Working Day Delivery: orders before 12pm, £6.99*
- Economy: up to 5 working days, £5.99*
(Free Economy Delivery on orders over £100)
Please note that shipping is currently only available within the United Kingdom (Excluding Northern Ireland).