Black Lodge Potions Zero Gin 70cl
Black Lodge Potions Zero Gin 70cl
Black Lodge Potions Zero Gin 70cl
Black Lodge have created a premium craft gin at 44%abv with a lively fresh crisp taste, bottled at a higher ABV to give the botanicals chance to shine. The juniper and zesty citrus notes are perfectly balanced with a hint of spice, creating a gin that is both refreshing and satisfying to the palate. The aroma is invigorating and the finish is clean, crisp and wickedly moreish.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose – Sweet, Woody, Zesty, Fresh, Grapefruit
- Palate – Sweet, Heat but not harsh, Peppery, Tingles on gums, Smooth, Creamy, Vanilla
- Finish - Doesn't outstay its welcome, Heat/Warming, Dry, Peppery, Moreish
Regular price
- 44.0%
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
- Next Working Day Delivery: orders before 12pm, £6.99*
- Economy: up to 5 working days, £5.99*
(Free Economy Delivery on orders over £100)
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