Haig Club Clubman Single Grain Scotch Whisky 1L
Haig Club Clubman Single Grain Scotch Whisky 1L
Haig Club Clubman Single Grain Scotch Whisky 1L
Haig Club Clubman is a modern and stylish Single Grain Scotch Whisky matured exclusively in Bourbon casks.
Haig Club Clubman is delicious neat, or on the rocks, although the way we recommend to taste it is with tonic and orange. The sweet notes of Haig Club combine perfectly with the bitterness of the tonic and the fruity orange notes round off the drink in a delightful way creating an approachable and delicious drink, which is refreshing in taste and perfect in its simplicity. If you already love Scotch then you'll enjoy this combination of flavours and if you're new to Scotch this is the ideal introduction.
Regular price
- Lowland
- 40.0%
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