Sweetbird Gingerbread 250ml
Sweetbird Gingerbread 250ml
Sweetbird Gingerbread 250ml
The best-selling Sweetbird Gingerbread syrup is now available in perfect at-home sizes of 250ml. Great in hampers and gift sets these 250ml glass bottles are made in Bristol, UK using British sugar. Sweetbird Gingerbread syrup is free from artificial colours, high fructose corn syrup, GMOs and is registered with The Vegan Society.
Regular price
- Annual Next Working Day Delivery, £24.99*
- DPD ship to shop service: up to 5 working days, £4.99*
- Economy: up to 5 working days, £5.99*
- Next Working Day Delivery: orders before 12pm, £6.99*
(Free Economy Delivery on orders over £100)
Please note that shipping is currently only available within the United Kingdom (Excluding Northern Ireland).